Poniższy kod służy do pobierania pliku zip i rozpakowania go na telefonie.Czy ktoś wie o tym błędzie: "Zły lokalny podpis nagłówka: 0x6D74683C"?
Ten sam kod używany do pracy na WP7, zacząłem testowane na urządzeniu WP8, a dzieje się coś dziwnego ... teraz działa na WP8 ale NIE na WP7 więcej.
Na WP7 to daje ERROR:
Wrong Local header signature: 0x6D74683C
Może ktoś mi powiedzieć co się dzieje tutaj?
obserwacja (2 dni po zaksięgowaniu pytanie)
Mam kilka uwag .... Dzielenie się tutaj szczegółowo (Image format) lub (Excel format)
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;
using System.Net;
namespace iq_main.Network
public class IQ_Download
private string zipFilePassword = String.Empty;
private string fileNameToBeStoredAs = String.Empty;
private string urlToBeDownloaded = String.Empty;
private HttpWebResponse response;
public void Download(string _urlToBeDownloaded = GlobalConstants.DownloadLanguageConfigurationUrl, string _fileNameToBeStoredAs = GlobalConstants.DownloadLanguageConfigurationXmlFilename, string _zipFilePassword = GlobalConstants.DownloadZipsPassword)
urlToBeDownloaded = _urlToBeDownloaded;
fileNameToBeStoredAs = _fileNameToBeStoredAs;
zipFilePassword = _zipFilePassword;
System.Uri targetUri = new System.Uri(urlToBeDownloaded);
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(targetUri);
request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(WebRequestCallBack), request);
void WebRequestCallBack(IAsyncResult result)
HttpWebRequest resultInfo = (HttpWebRequest)result.AsyncState;
response = (HttpWebResponse)resultInfo.EndGetResponse(result);
using (StreamReader httpwebStreamReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
//open isolated storage to save files
using (IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
using (ZipInputStream s = new ZipInputStream(httpwebStreamReader.BaseStream))
if (zipFilePassword != String.Empty)
s.Password = zipFilePassword;//if archive is encrypted
ZipEntry theEntry;
while ((theEntry = s.GetNextEntry()) != null)
string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(theEntry.Name);
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(theEntry.Name);
fileName = fileNameToBeStoredAs;
// create directory
if (directoryName.Length > 0)
if (fileName != String.Empty)
//save file to isolated storage
using (BinaryWriter streamWriter =
new BinaryWriter(new IsolatedStorageFileStream(theEntry.Name,
FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write, isoStore)))
int size = 2048;
byte[] data = new byte[2048];
while (true)
size = s.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
if (size > 0)
streamWriter.Write(data, 0, size);
catch (ZipException ze)
} //try
catch (Exception ex)
}//WebRequestCallBack Method */
} //Class ends
Step into: Stepping over method without symbols 'string.operator !='
Step into: Stepping over method without symbols 'ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipInputStream.Password.set'
Step into: Stepping over method without symbols 'string.operator !='
Step into: Stepping over method without symbols 'ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipInputStream.Password.set'
Step into: Stepping over method without symbols 'ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipInputStream.GetNextEntry'
A first chance exception of type 'ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException' occurred in SharpZipLib.WindowsPhone7.dll
Step into: Stepping over method without symbols 'System.Exception.Message.get'
Step into: Stepping over method without symbols 'System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine'
Wrong Local header signature: 0x6D74683C
A first chance exception of type 'ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException' occurred in SharpZipLib.WindowsPhone7.dll
Wrong Local header signature: 0x6D74683C
można pisać cały stos wyjątek, bo myślę błąd ma coś todo z plikiem zip. Czy Twój wyjątek zaczyna się od ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException? – MUG4N
dodał dane wyjściowe. – wafers
Utworzony zip z WINRAR-64 i WINRAR-32-bitowy. To nie pomogło – wafers