Matthew Oberhardt, kod przydatna, dodałem nazwę na matrycy, tutaj jest nowy kod tak prosty, po prostu dodał jeszcze jedną zmienną A także dam przykład wykorzystać go zauważyć, że conv jest macierz mxn.
--------------- KOD ---------------
function out = dispmat(M,name,row_labels,col_labels);
%% Matthew Oberhardt
% 02/08/2013
% intended to display a matrix along with row and column labels.
%% ex:
% M = rand(2,3);
% row_labels = {'a';'b'};
% col_labels = {'c 1','c2 ','c3'};
% % if there are no labels for rows or cols, put '' as the input.
% row_labels = '';
%Modified 14.07.2014
%Nestor Cantu
%Added the name of the matrix.
%% check that the row & col labels are the right sizes
[nrows,ncols] = size(M);
%% populate if either of the inputs is empty
if isempty(row_labels)
row_labels = cell(1,nrows);
for n = 1:nrows
row_labels{1,n} = '|';
if isempty(col_labels)
col_labels = cell(1,ncols);
for n = 1:ncols
col_labels{1,n} = '-';
assert(length(row_labels)==nrows,'wrong # of row labels');
assert(length(col_labels)==ncols,'wrong # of col labels');
row_labels = reshape(row_labels,1,length(row_labels));
col_labels = reshape(col_labels,1,length(col_labels));
%% remove spaces (since they are separators in printmat.m
cols = strrep(col_labels, ' ', '_');
rows = strrep(row_labels, ' ', '_');
%% create labels, space delimited
c_out = [];
for n = 1:length(cols)
c_out = [c_out,cols{n},' '];
c_out = c_out(1:end-1);
r_out = [];
for n = 1:length(rows)
r_out = [r_out,rows{n},' '];
r_out = r_out(1:end-1);
%% print
-------- - PRZYKŁAD z konwerterem macierzowym (5,4) --------------
[m n] = size(conv);
for i=1:n
col{i} = ['K = ' num2str(i)];
for i=1:m
row{i} = ['n =' num2str(i)];
-------------- WYNIK --- -----------------------
Convergence =
K_=_1 K_=_2 K_=_3 K_=_4 K_=_5
n_=1 0.74218 0.42070 0.11101 9.86259e-006 9.86259e-006
n_=2 0.49672 0.26686 0.00233 4.46114e-011 4.46114e-011
n_=3 0.01221 0.00488 1.23422e-007 0 0
n_=4 0.00010 7.06889e-008 7.06889e-008 0 0
To pytanie pochodzi z 2011 roku, przyjęta odpowiedź z 2012 roku.Matlab2013b wprowadził typ danych 'table', który robi dokładnie to, o co pytano w oryginalnym pytaniu (patrz odpowiedź Sh3ljohna). –