Jak mówi komentator @Holex, można użyć Any
. Połączyć je z Mirror
i można na przykład zrobić coś takiego:
func isItACollection(_ any: Any) -> [String : Any.Type]? {
let m = Mirror(reflecting: any)
switch m.displayStyle {
case .some(.collection):
print("Collection, \(m.children.count) elements \(m.subjectType)")
var types: [String: Any.Type] = [:]
for (_, t) in m.children {
types["\(type(of: t))"] = type(of: t)
return types
default: // Others are .Struct, .Class, .Enum
print("Not a collection")
return nil
func test(_ a: Any) -> String {
switch isItACollection(a) {
case .some(let X):
return "The argument is an array of \(X)"
return "The argument is not an array"
test([1, 2, 3]) // The argument is an array of ["Int": Swift.Int]
test([1, 2, "3"]) // The argument is an array of ["Int": Swift.Int, "String": Swift.String]
test(["1", "2", "3"]) // The argument is an array of ["String": Swift.String]
test(Set<String>()) // The argument is not an array
test([1: 2, 3: 4]) // The argument is not an array
test((1, 2, 3)) // The argument is not an array
test(3) // The argument is not an array
test("3") // The argument is not an array
test(NSObject()) // The argument is not an array
test(NSArray(array:[1, 2, 3])) // The argument is an array of ["_SwiftTypePreservingNSNumber": _SwiftTypePreservingNSNumber]
related: [Jak mogę sprawdzić, czy obiekt jest zbiorem? (Swift)] (http://stackoverflow.com/q/41236021/2976878) – Hamish