Chodzi o to (umieściłem go w kodzie Deepsqauttera). Po tym, jak uporządkowany kod, będę umieścić go gdzieś pod ręką, czy może jest to przydatny dodatek do mvvmcross się ...
public class BindableExpandableListView : ExpandableListView
public BindableExpandableListView(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs)
: this(context, attrs, new BindableExpandableListAdapter(context))
public BindableExpandableListView(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs, BindableExpandableListAdapter adapter)
: base(context, attrs)
var groupTemplateId = MvxAttributeHelpers.ReadAttributeValue(context, attrs,
var itemTemplateId = MvxAttributeHelpers.ReadListItemTemplateId(context, attrs);
adapter.GroupTemplateId = groupTemplateId;
adapter.ItemTemplateId = itemTemplateId;
// An expandableListView has ExpandableListAdapter as propertyname, but Adapter still exists but is always null.
protected BindableExpandableListAdapter ThisAdapter { get { return ExpandableListAdapter as BindableExpandableListAdapter; } }
private IEnumerable _itemsSource;
public virtual IEnumerable ItemsSource
get { return ThisAdapter.ItemsSource; }
set { ThisAdapter.ItemsSource = value; }
public int ItemTemplateId
get { return ThisAdapter.ItemTemplateId; }
set { ThisAdapter.ItemTemplateId = value; }
private ICommand _itemClick;
public new ICommand ItemClick
get { return _itemClick; }
set { _itemClick = value; if (_itemClick != null) EnsureItemClickOverloaded(); }
public ICommand GroupClick { get; set; }
private bool _itemClickOverloaded = false;
private void EnsureItemClickOverloaded()
if (_itemClickOverloaded)
_itemClickOverloaded = true;
base.ChildClick += (sender, args) => ExecuteCommandOnItem(this.ItemClick, args.GroupPosition, args.ChildPosition);
protected virtual void ExecuteCommandOnItem(ICommand command, int groupPosition, int position)
if (command == null)
var item = ThisAdapter.GetRawItem(groupPosition, position);
if (item == null)
if (!command.CanExecute(item))
i zasilacz
public class BindableExpandableListAdapter : MvxAdapter, IExpandableListAdapter
private IList _itemsSource;
public BindableExpandableListAdapter(Context context)
: base(context)
int groupTemplateId;
public int GroupTemplateId
get { return groupTemplateId; }
if (groupTemplateId == value)
groupTemplateId = value;
// since the template has changed then let's force the list to redisplay by firing NotifyDataSetChanged()
if (ItemsSource != null)
protected override void SetItemsSource(System.Collections.IEnumerable value)
Mvx.Trace("Setting itemssource");
if (_itemsSource == value)
var existingObservable = _itemsSource as INotifyCollectionChanged;
if (existingObservable != null)
existingObservable.CollectionChanged -= OnItemsSourceCollectionChanged;
_itemsSource = value as IList;
var newObservable = _itemsSource as INotifyCollectionChanged;
if (newObservable != null)
newObservable.CollectionChanged += OnItemsSourceCollectionChanged;
if (value != null)
// dit weggehaald FlattenAndSetSource(value);
public int GroupCount { get { return (_itemsSource != null ? _itemsSource.Count : 0); } }
public void OnGroupExpanded(int groupPosition)
// do nothing
public void OnGroupCollapsed(int groupPosition)
// do nothing
public bool IsChildSelectable(int groupPosition, int childPosition)
return true;
public View GetGroupView(int groupPosition, bool isExpanded, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
var item = _itemsSource[groupPosition];
return base.GetBindableView(convertView, item, GroupTemplateId);
public long GetGroupId(int groupPosition)
return groupPosition;
public Java.Lang.Object GetGroup(int groupPosition)
return null;
public long GetCombinedGroupId(long groupId)
return groupId;
public long GetCombinedChildId(long groupId, long childId)
return childId;
public object GetRawItem(int groupPosition, int position)
return ((_itemsSource[groupPosition]) as IEnumerable).Cast<object>().ToList()[position];
public View GetChildView(int groupPosition, int childPosition, bool isLastChild, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
var sublist = ((_itemsSource[groupPosition]) as IEnumerable).Cast<object>().ToList();
var item = sublist[childPosition];
return base.GetBindableView(convertView, item, ItemTemplateId);
public int GetChildrenCount(int groupPosition)
return ((_itemsSource[groupPosition]) as IEnumerable).Cast<object>().ToList().Count();
public long GetChildId(int groupPosition, int childPosition)
return childPosition;
public Java.Lang.Object GetChild(int groupPosition, int childPosition)
return null;
//public object GetRawItem
i Przykład kodu XAML:
local:MvxBind="ItemsSource Chapters; ItemClick ShowCommand"
android:background="@android:color/white" />
A potem jeszcze jakiś przykład dane (pseudo kod):
public class SubItem {
public String Name {get; set;}
// this is the special part: a chapter does not CONTAIN a sublist, but IS a list of subitems.
public class Chapter : List<Subitem> {
public String Name {get; set;}
// en some usage code
var chapters = new List<Chapter>();
var chapter = new Chapter(){Name = "chap 1"};
chapter.Add(new SubItem(){Name = " 1"});
chapter.Add(new SubItem(){Name = "item 2"});
To mój MvxBindingAttributes.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<declare-styleable name="MvxBinding">
<attr name="MvxBind" format="string"/>
<attr name="MvxLang" format="string"/>
<declare-styleable name="MvxControl">
<attr name="MvxTemplate" format="string"/>
<declare-styleable name="MvxListView">
<attr name="MvxItemTemplate" format="string"/>
<attr name="MvxDropDownItemTemplate" format="string"/>
<attr name="GroupItemTemplate" format="string"/>
<item type="id" name="MvxBindingTagUnique"/>
<declare-styleable name="MvxImageView">
<attr name="MvxSource" format="string"/>
BTW: Mam tylko jeden projekt w lewo w MvvmCross, reszta został przekonwertowany na Xamarin.Forms lub nawet z dala od Xamarin. Kod nie jest już aktualizowany.
udało Ci się rozwiązać ten problem? –