2014-09-11 6 views

Podczas tworzenia vm nie otrzymuję całkowitej odpowiedzi od soli, chyba że jesteś w trybie pełnym, gdzie masz migotanie migotania na ekranie, to nie reprezentuje niezłe informacje, takie jak salt-call.Włamywacz z dozownikiem soli nie pokazuje żadnego wyjścia

Oto co dostaniesz po vagrant up web

192:vagrant-starter holms$ vagrant up web 
Bringing machine 'web' up with 'virtualbox' provider... 
==> web: Importing base box 'debian80'... 
==> web: Matching MAC address for NAT networking... 
==> web: Setting the name of the VM: vagrant-starter_web_1410407135596_15907 
==> web: Clearing any previously set forwarded ports... 
==> web: Clearing any previously set network interfaces... 
==> web: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration... 
    web: Adapter 1: nat 
==> web: Forwarding ports... 
    web: 80 => 9999 (adapter 1) 
    web: 22 => 2222 (adapter 1) 
==> web: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations... 
==> web: Booting VM... 
==> web: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes... 
    web: SSH address: 
    web: SSH username: vagrant 
    web: SSH auth method: private key 
    web: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying... 
==> web: Machine booted and ready! 
==> web: Checking for guest additions in VM... 
==> web: Mounting shared folders... 
    web: /vagrant => /Users/holms/Dropbox/Dev/vagrant-starter 
    web: /srv/salt => /Users/holms/Dropbox/Dev/vagrant-starter/repo/salt 
==> web: Running provisioner: salt... 
Copying salt minion config to vm. 
Checking if salt-minion is installed 
salt-minion was not found. 
Checking if salt-call is installed 
salt-call was not found. 
Bootstrapping Salt... (this may take a while) 
Salt successfully configured and installed! 
run_overstate set to false. Not running state.overstate. 
Calling state.highstate... (this may take a while) 

My Vagrantfile jest dość duże, jak to ma nawet zewnętrznego config. Istotna część jest tutaj:

97   # check if saltstack being used 
98   unless opts[:salt].nil? 
100    config.vm.synced_folder "repo/salt/", "/srv/salt/" 
102    node.vm.provision "salt" do |salt| 
103     salt.minion_config = "repo/minion" 
104     salt.run_highstate = true 
105     salt.colorize = true 
106     salt.log_level = 'all' 
107     #salt.verbose = true 
108     #opts[:salt].each do |minion| 
109     #end 
110    end 
111   end 

Czego się spodziewać jest to this

Co ja widzę to tak:

enter image description here



Ponieważ szukałem to ja, a nie było już odpowiedzi tutaj, dodam to. W Vagrantfile trzeba dodać (lub komentarza)

salt.verbose = true 

, więc w końcu o coś takiego:

config.vm.provision :salt do |salt| 

    salt.minion_config = "repo/minion" 
    salt.run_highstate = true 
    salt.colorize = true 
    salt.log_level = "info" 
    salt.verbose = true 


za https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/2678