My Wiosna Web Service ma ten niestandardowy resolverowi złapać SoapFaults:zwyczaj SoapFault rezolwer wyzwalanie ale nie znalezienie SoapFault w SoapBody
public class MySoapFaultResolver extends SoapFaultMessageResolver implements FaultMessageResolver
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MySoapFaultResolver.class);
public void resolveFault(WebServiceMessage wsm) throws IOException
// SOAPMessage soapMessage = (SOAPMessage) wsm; cant cast to this
SoapMessage soapMessage = (SoapMessage) wsm;
if(soapMessage == null) {
logger.debug("soapMessage is null");
} else {
logger.debug("soapMessage is not null");
QName om_fc = soapMessage.getFaultCode();
String om_frs = soapMessage.getFaultReason();
logger.debug("om_fc:" + om_fc);
logger.debug("om_frs:" + om_frs);
if(soapMessage.getSoapBody() == null) {
logger.debug("soap body is null");
} else {
logger.debug("soap body is not null");
SoapBody sb = soapMessage.getSoapBody();
logger.debug(sb.toString()); // prints[email protected]
QName sb_name = sb.getName();
logger.debug("sb_name:" + sb_name);
Iterator<QName> iter_attr_sb = sb.getAllAttributes();
while(iter_attr_sb.hasNext()) {
QName qname =;
String qname_valu = sb.getAttributeValue(qname);
logger.debug("attribute: " + qname + ":" + qname_valu);
if(sb.hasFault()) {
logger.debug("soap body has fault");
SoapFault sff = sb.getFault();
QName fc = sff.getFaultCode();
String fsr = sff.getFaultStringOrReason();
logger.debug("fc:" + fc);
logger.debug("fsr:" + fsr);
Iterator<QName> iter_attr = sff.getAllAttributes();
while(iter_attr.hasNext()) {
QName qname =;
String qname_valu = sff.getAttributeValue(qname);
logger.debug("attribute: " + qname + ":" + qname_valu);
if(sff.getFaultDetail() == null) {
logger.debug("fault has no details");
} else {
logger.debug("fault has details");
SoapFaultDetail faultDetail = sff.getFaultDetail();
Iterator<SoapFaultDetailElement> detailEntries = faultDetail.getDetailEntries();
while(detailEntries.hasNext()) {
SoapFaultDetailElement detailElement =;
logger.debug("Found SoapFaultDetailElement name:" + detailElement.getName());
} else {
logger.debug("soap body does not have fault");
SoapFaultClientException sfce = new SoapFaultClientException(soapMessage);
throw new IOException("cursesfoiledagain", sfce);
który zostanie wykonany gdy usterka wraca ze służby:
<faultstring>Could not open connection; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Could not open connection</faultstring>
i zapisuje to w pliku dziennika:
MySoapFaultResolver-resolveFault] - entering
MySoapFaultResolver-resolveFault] - soapMessage is not null
MySoapFaultResolver-resolveFault] - om_fc:null
MySoapFaultResolver-resolveFault] - om_frs:null
MySoapFaultResolver-resolveFault] - soap body is not null
MySoapFaultResolver-resolveFault] - [email protected]
MySoapFaultResolver-resolveFault] - sb_name:{}Body
MySoapFaultResolver-resolveFault] - soap body does not have fault
MySoapFaultResolver-resolveFault] - exiting
jestem zaskoczony dlaczego c Oda nie znajduje SoapFault w SoapBody. Czy ktoś może rzucić trochę światła na to? - dołączono - Intrygujące. Posiadam również usługa, która rzuca ten błąd:
public class MyOutSoapFaultInterceptor extends AbstractSoapInterceptor
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyOutSoapFaultInterceptor.class);
public MyOutSoapFaultInterceptor()
public void handleMessage(SoapMessage message) throws Fault
Exception e = message.getContent(Exception.class);
if(e == null) {
logger.debug("e is null");
} else {
logger.debug("e is not null");
logger.debug("e.getCause:" + e.getCause());
logger.debug("e.getMessage:" + e.getMessage());
if(e instanceof Fault) {
logger.debug("e is instanceOf Fault");
Fault f = (Fault) message.getContent(Fault.class);
SoapFault sf = SoapFault.createFault((Fault) e, message.getVersion());
logger.debug("sf is not null");
logger.debug("sf.getCause:" + sf.getCause());
logger.debug("sf.getMessage:" + sf.getMessage());
logger.debug("sf.getStatusCode:" + sf.getStatusCode());
logger.debug("sf.getCode:" + sf.getCode());
FormsEndpointFault newFault = new FormsEndpointFault();
if(sf.hasDetails()) {
logger.debug("sf has details");
Element eee = sf.getDetail();
if(eee.hasAttributes()) {
NamedNodeMap nnm = eee.getAttributes();
logger.debug("sf.details has " + nnm.getLength() + " attributes");
for(int ii = 0 ; ii < nnm.getLength() ; ii++) {
Node nnode = nnm.item(ii); //WARNING Nodes are recursive structures
logger.debug(" attribute node value:" + nnode.getNodeValue());
if(eee.hasChildNodes()) {
NodeList nl = eee.getChildNodes();
logger.debug("sf.details has " + nl.getLength() + " child nodes");
for(int ii = 0 ; ii < nl.getLength() ; ii++) {
Node nnode = nl.item(ii);
logger.debug(" child node value:" + nnode.getNodeValue());
} else {
logger.debug("sf has no details");
i oto co rejestruje:
handleMessage] - entering
handleMessage] - e is not null
handleMessage] - e.getCause:org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaSystemException: Could not open connection; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Could not open connection
handleMessage] - e.getMessage:Could not open connection; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Could not open connection
handleMessage] - e is instanceOf Fault
handleMessage] - sf is not null
handleMessage] - sf.getCause:org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaSystemException: Could not open connection; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Could not open connection
handleMessage] - sf.getMessage:Could not open connection; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Could not open connection
handleMessage] - sf.getStatusCode:500
handleMessage] - sf.getCode:Could not open connection; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Could not open connection
handleMessage] - sf has no details
handleMessage] - exiting
Tak oto widzimy, że kod błędu jest ustawiona na 500 w przypadku błędu, zanim opuści usługę, ale nie pojawi się w przeglądarce. TIA,
Still-learning Stev
się zalogować „FC” , ale w twoim dzienniku zgłasza się "om_fc:"; sam z "frs:". Czy na pewno ten kod i ten plik dziennika pasują do siebie? –
Tak.om_fc i om_frs oraz fc i fsr są unikalne. fc i fsr nigdy nie są rejestrowane, ponieważ sb.hasFault() zwraca wartość false, co zostało udowodnione przez "body mydła nie ma błędu", jak widać w pliku dziennika. – user1201168
Proponuję, abyś debbugował swój kod i sprawdzał, co robi "sb.hasFault()". Może to co najmniej wskazywać, co zrobić –