Dotychczas wymyślić kodu mieszka. Działa tak, jak chcę. Ale jak widać, nie jest to krótkie ani szybkie ... Byłoby wspaniale, gdyby ktoś wskazał pewne funkcje natywne w języku Java, które pomagają mi zrobić to bardziej elegancko ...
public static String repeat(int count, String with) {
return "";
return "";
return new String(new char[count]).replace("\0", with);
public static String getFormattedDouble(double num,int posInt,int posFrac){
if(num == 0) return "0"; // correct 0 value to be print only with one 0
String sInt = repeat(posInt,"0");
String sFrac = repeat(posFrac,"0");
String sSing = num<0 ? "" : "+";
DecimalFormat form = new DecimalFormat(sSing+sInt+"."+sFrac+"E0");
String s = form.format(num);
s = s.replace("E","e"); // I really thing capital E looks ugly
return s;
public static String[] get2doublesSameExp(double a, double b){
String[] s = new String[2];
int expA;
if(a == 0) expA = 0;
else expA = (int)Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(a)));
int expB;
if(b == 0) expB = 0;
else expB = (int)Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(b)));
double expDif = Math.abs((double)expA-(double)expB);
int fractPos = 3;
if(expDif > 4) fractPos = 1; // too big exponent difference reduce fraction digits
if(expDif > 6){
// too big exponent difference print it normally it will be nicer
s[0] = String.format("%1.3e",a);
s[1] = String.format("%1.3e",b);
return s;
int minExp = Math.min(expA,expB) - 1;
s[0] = getFormattedDouble(a, expA - minExp, fractPos);
s[1] = getFormattedDouble(b, expB - minExp, fractPos);
// just text right justification
String rightJust = repeat((int)expDif," ");
int justIdx = expA < expB ? 0 : 1;
s[justIdx] = rightJust + s[justIdx];
return s;
String[] s = get2doublesSameExp(1.234e-6,11.234e-6);