2013-01-21 1 views

Próbuję wykreślić mapę świata za pomocą ggplot2. Oto, co mam do tej pory:ggplot2 + mapa świata = stare dane?

world <- map_data("world") 
ggplot(aes(long, lat, group=group), data=world) + geom_polygon() 

To działa dobrze i jest łatwe do zrobienia. Niestety dane z mapy świata wydają się stare. Na przykład brakuje krajów takich jak Singapur i Czechy, a zamiast nich istnieją regiony, takie jak ZSRR. Masz pomysł, jak zdobyć więcej aktualnych danych z mapy świata?

    [1] "Afghanistan"    "Albania"     "Algeria"     
    [4] "American Samoa"   "Andaman Islands"   "Andorra"     
    [7] "Angola"     "Anguilla"     "Antarctica"    
[10] "Antigua"     "Aral Sea"     "Argentina"    
[13] "Aruba"     "Australia"    "Austria"     
[16] "Azores"     "Bahamas"     "Bahrain"     
[19] "Bangladesh"    "Barbados"     "Barbuda"     
[22] "Belgium"     "Belize"     "Benin"     
[25] "Bhutan"     "Black Sea"    "Bolivia"     
[28] "Bonaire"     "Botswana"     "Brazil"     
[31] "Brunei"     "Bulgaria"     "Burkina Faso"    
[34] "Burundi"     "California"    "Cambodia"     
[37] "Cameroon"     "Canada"     "Canary Islands"   
[40] "Cape Verde"    "Caspian Sea"    "Cayman Islands"   
[43] "Central African Republic" "Chad"      "Chagos Archipelago"  
[46] "Chile"     "China"     "Colombia"     
[49] "Comoros"     "Congo"     "Cook Islands"    
[52] "Costa Rica"    "Cuba"      "Curacao"     
[55] "Cyprus"     "Czechoslovakia"   "Denmark"     
[58] "Djibouti"     "Dominica"     "Dominican Republic"  
[61] "Ecuador"     "Egypt"     "El Salvador"    
[64] "Equatorial Guinea"  "Ethiopia"     "Falkland Islands"   
[67] "Fiji"      "Finland"     "France"     
[70] "French Guiana"   "French Polynesia"   "Gabon"     
[73] "Gambia"     "Gaza Strip"    "Germany"     
[76] "Ghana"     "Great Bitter Lake"  "Great Lakes"    
[79] "Greece"     "Greenland"    "Grenada"     
[82] "Guadeloupe"    "Guatemala"    "Guinea"     
[85] "Guinea-Bissau"   "Guyana"     "Haiti"     
[88] "Hawaii"     "Honduras"     "Hungary"     
[91] "Iceland"     "India"     "Indonesia"    
[94] "Iran"      "Iraq"      "Ireland"     
[97] "Irian Jaya"    "Isle of Man"    "Isle of Wight"   
[100] "Israel"     "Italy"     "Ivory Coast"    
[103] "Jamaica"     "Japan"     "Jordan"     
[106] "Kenya"     "Kiribati"     "Kuwait"     
[109] "Lacul Greaca"    "Lake Albert"    "Lake Fjerritslev"   
[112] "Lake Kariba"    "Lake Malawi"    "Lake Pasvikelv"   
[115] "Lake Tanganyika"   "Lake Titicaca"   "Lake Victoria"   
[118] "Laos"      "Lebanon"     "Lesotho"     
[121] "Liberia"     "Libya"     "Liechtenstein"   
[124] "Luxembourg"    "Madagascar"    "Madeira Islands"   
[127] "Malawi"     "Malaysia"     "Maldives"     
[130] "Mali"      "Malta"     "Marshall Islands"   
[133] "Martinique"    "Maug Island"    "Mauritania"    
[136] "Mauritius"    "Mexico"     "Micronesia"    
[139] "Monaco"     "Mongolia"     "Montserrat"    
[142] "Morocco"     "Mozambique"    "Myanmar"     
[145] "Namibia"     "Nauru"     "Nepal"     
[148] "Netherlands"    "Neutral Zone"    "Nevis"     
[151] "New Caledonia"   "New Zealand"    "Nicaragua"    
[154] "Niger"     "Nigeria"     "North Korea"    
[157] "Northern Mariana Islands" "Norway"     "Oman"      
[160] "Pakistan"     "Panama"     "Papua New Guinea"   
[163] "Paracel Islands"   "Paraguay"     "Peru"      
[166] "Philippines"    "Pitcairn Islands"   "Poland"     
[169] "Portugal"     "Puerto Rico"    "Qatar"     
[172] "Romania"     "Rwanda"     "Saint Eustatius"   
[175] "Saint Kitts"    "Saint Lucia"    "Saint Vincent"   
[178] "Saint-Barthelemy"   "Saint-Martin"    "Samoa"     
[181] "San Marino"    "Sao Tome and Principe" "Sardinia"     
[184] "Saudi Arabia"    "Senegal"     "Seychelles"    
[187] "Sicily"     "Sierra Leone"    "Sin Cowe Island"   
[190] "Solomon Islands"   "Somalia"     "Sonsorol Island"   
[193] "South Africa"    "South Korea"    "South Sandwich Islands" 
[196] "Spain"     "Spratly Island"   "Sri Lanka"    
[199] "Sudan"     "Suriname"     "Swaziland"    
[202] "Sweden"     "Switzerland"    "Syria"     
[205] "Tanzania"     "Thailand"     "Tobago"     
[208] "Togo"      "Tokelau"     "Tonga"     
[211] "Trinidad"     "Tunisia"     "Turkey"     
[214] "Turks and Caicos"   "Tuvalu"     "Uganda"     
[217] "UK"      "United Arab Emirates"  "Uruguay"     
[220] "USA"      "USSR"      "Vanuatu"     
[223] "Venezuela"    "Vietnam"     "Virgin Islands"   
[226] "Vislinskiy Zaliv"   "Wales"     "West Bank"    
[229] "Western Sahara"   "Yemen"     "Yugoslavia"    
[232] "Zaire"     "Zambia"     "Zimbabwe" 



Czy porównałeś go z bazą danych w mapdata?

Jeśli to nie jest lepsze, można użyć Global Administration Database lub NOAA.

Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy w radzeniu sobie z shapefile, istnieje fantastyczny przykład z analizy przestrzennej (here), który używa ggplot2.


http://www.naturalearthdata.com/ to kolejne dobre źródło danych mapowych. – hadley


"Światowa" baza danych w "mapach" została ostatnio zaktualizowana (2015), wykorzystując dane z Natural Earth. Od version 3.0 mapa jest aktualna.