Staram się rozwiązać problem http://postimg.org/image/4bmfha8m7/Implementacja sieci neuronowych w Matlab/Octave

Mam problemy we wdrażaniu macierz masy dla wejść 36.

  1. Mam ukrytą warstwę 3 neuronów.

  2. Używam algorytmu wstecznej propagacji do nauki.

Co próbowałem tak daleko jest:

% Sigmoid Function Definition 
function [result] = sigmoid(x) 
    result = 1.0 ./ (1.0 + exp(-x)); 

% Inputs 
input = [1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0; 
     0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1; 
     0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0; 
     0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1]; 

% Desired outputs 
output = [1;1;1;1]; 

% Initializing the bias (Bias or threshold are the same thing, essential for learning, to translate the curve) 
% Also, the first column of the weight matrix is the weight of the bias values 
bias = [-1 -1 -1 -1]; 

% Learning coefficient 
coeff = 1.0; 

% Number of learning iterations 
iterations = 100; 
disp('No. Of Learning Iterations = '); 

% Initial weights 
weights = ones(36,36); 

% Main Algorithm Begins 
for i = 1:iterations 
    out = zeros(4,1); 
    numIn = length (input(:,1)); 
    for j = 1:numIn 
     % 1st neuron in the hidden layer 
     H1 = bias(1,1)*weights(1,1) + input(j,1)*weights(1,2) + input(j,2)*weights(1,3) + input(j,3)*weights(1,4)+ input(j,4)*weights(1,5) + input(j,5)*weights(1,6) + input(j,6)*weights(1,7) 
      + input(j,7)*weights(1,8) + input(j,8)*weights(1,9) + input(j,9)*weights(1,10)+ input(j,10)*weights(1,11) + input(j,11)*weights(1,12) + input(j,12)*weights(1,13) 
      + input(j,13)*weights(1,14) + input(j,14)*weights(1,15) + input(j,15)*weights(1,16)+ input(j,16)*weights(1,17) + input(j,17)*weights(1,18) + input(j,18)*weights(1,19) 
      + input(j,19)*weights(1,20) + input(j,20)*weights(1,21) + input(j,21)*weights(1,22)+ input(j,22)*weights(1,23) + input(j,23)*weights(1,24) + input(j,24)*weights(1,25) 
      + input(j,25)*weights(1,26) + input(j,26)*weights(1,27) + input(j,27)*weights(1,28)+ input(j,28)*weights(1,29) + input(j,29)*weights(1,30) + input(j,30)*weights(1,31) 
      + input(j,31)*weights(1,32) + input(j,32)*weights(1,33) + input(j,33)*weights(1,34)+ input(j,34)*weights(1,35) + input(j,35)*weights(1,36) 

     x2(1) = sigmoid(H1); 

     % 2nd neuron in the hidden layer 
     H2 = bias(1,2)*weights(2,1) + input(j,1)*weights(2,2) + input(j,2)*weights(2,3) + input(j,3)*weights(2,4)+ input(j,4)*weights(2,5) + input(j,5)*weights(2,6) + input(j,6)*weights(2,7) 
      + input(j,7)*weights(2,8) + input(j,8)*weights(2,9) + input(j,9)*weights(2,10)+ input(j,10)*weights(2,11) + input(j,11)*weights(2,12) + input(j,12)*weights(2,13) 
      + input(j,13)*weights(2,14) + input(j,14)*weights(2,15) + input(j,15)*weights(2,16)+ input(j,16)*weights(2,17) + input(j,17)*weights(2,18) + input(j,18)*weights(2,19) 
      + input(j,19)*weights(2,20) + input(j,20)*weights(2,21) + input(j,21)*weights(2,22)+ input(j,22)*weights(2,23) + input(j,23)*weights(2,24) + input(j,24)*weights(2,25) 
      + input(j,25)*weights(2,26) + input(j,26)*weights(2,27) + input(j,27)*weights(2,28)+ input(j,28)*weights(2,29) + input(j,29)*weights(2,30) + input(j,30)*weights(2,31) 
      + input(j,31)*weights(2,32) + input(j,32)*weights(2,33) + input(j,33)*weights(2,34)+ input(j,34)*weights(2,35) + input(j,35)*weights(2,36) 

     x2(2) = sigmoid(H2); 

     % 3rd neuron in the hidden layer 
     H3 = bias(1,3)*weights(3,1) + input(j,1)*weights(3,2) + input(j,2)*weights(3,3) + input(j,3)*weights(3,4)+ input(j,4)*weights(3,5) + input(j,5)*weights(3,6) + input(j,6)*weights(3,7) 
      + input(j,7)*weights(3,8) + input(j,8)*weights(3,9) + input(j,9)*weights(3,10)+ input(j,10)*weights(3,11) + input(j,11)*weights(3,12) + input(j,12)*weights(3,13) 
      + input(j,13)*weights(3,14) + input(j,14)*weights(3,15) + input(j,15)*weights(3,16)+ input(j,16)*weights(3,17) + input(j,17)*weights(3,18) + input(j,18)*weights(3,19) 
      + input(j,19)*weights(3,20) + input(j,20)*weights(3,21) + input(j,21)*weights(3,22)+ input(j,22)*weights(3,23) + input(j,23)*weights(3,24) + input(j,24)*weights(3,25) 
      + input(j,25)*weights(3,26) + input(j,26)*weights(3,27) + input(j,27)*weights(3,28)+ input(j,28)*weights(3,29) + input(j,29)*weights(3,30) + input(j,30)*weights(3,31) 
      + input(j,31)*weights(3,32) + input(j,32)*weights(3,33) + input(j,33)*weights(3,34)+ input(j,34)*weights(3,35) + input(j,35)*weights(3,36) 

     x2(3) = sigmoid(H3); 

     % Output layer 
     x3_1 = bias(1,4)*weights(4,1) + x2(1)*weights(4,2) + x2(2)*weights(4,3) + x2(3)*weights(4,4); 
     out(j) = sigmoid(x3_1); 

     % Adjust delta values of weights 
     % For output layer: delta(wi) = xi*delta, 
     % delta = (1-actual output)*(desired output - actual output) 
     delta3_1 = out(j)*(1-out(j))*(output(j)-out(j)); 

     % Propagate the delta backwards into hidden layers 
     delta2_1 = x2(1)*(1-x2(1))*weights(3,2)*delta3_1; 
     delta2_2 = x2(2)*(1-x2(2))*weights(3,3)*delta3_1; 
     delta2_3 = x2(3)*(1-x2(3))*weights(3,4)*delta3_1; 

     % Add weight changes to original weights and then use the new weights. 
     % delta weight = coeff*x*delta 

     for k = 1:4 
     if k == 1 % Bias cases 
      weights(1,k) = weights(1,k) + coeff*bias(1,1)*delta2_1; 
      weights(2,k) = weights(2,k) + coeff*bias(1,2)*delta2_2; 
      weights(3,k) = weights(3,k) + coeff*bias(1,3)*delta2_3; 
      weights(4,k) = weights(4,k) + coeff*bias(1,4)*delta3_1; 
     else  % When k=2 or 3 input cases to neurons 
      weights(1,k) = weights(1,k) + coeff*input(j,1)*delta2_1; 
      weights(2,k) = weights(2,k) + coeff*input(j,2)*delta2_2; 
      weights(3,k) = weights(3,k) + coeff*input(j,3)*delta2_3; 
      weights(4,k) = weights(4,k) + coeff*x2(k-1)*delta3_1; 

disp('For the Input'); 
disp('Output Is'); 
disp('Test Case: For the Input'); 
input = [1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0]; 

Na czym polega problem z kodem? – Daniel


@Daniel To nie jest poprawne, nie mogę poprawnie pobrać backprop. –



Dla mnie problem jest etykietowanie, nie widzę gdzie masz wyświetlamy

Output (1,1 1,1)? Co masz na myśli. Być może coś mi umknęło, ale dla mnie istnieją dwa sposoby etykietowania klasyfikacji wieloklasowej z etykietą bezpośrednio (0 dla A, 1 dla B, 3 dla C ...) i rozwijanie jej po lub bezpośrednio rozszerzonej jak A = 1, 0,0,0 = [1,0,0,0; 0,1,0,0; 0,0,1,0; 0,0,0,1]

Sposób, w jaki wykonuje się operacje, bardzo łatwo popełnić błędy, spojrzeć na operacje macierzy matlab/oktawy, jest bardzo potężny i może uprościć wszystko.