2010-07-24 16 views



Oto mój kod do generowania dźwięku z funkcji. Zakładam, że wiesz, jak korzystać z usług AudioQueue, konfigurować sesję audio i prawidłowo uruchamiać i zatrzymywać kolejkę wyjściową audio.

Oto urywek za opracowanie i rozpoczęcie AudioQueue wyjściowy:

// Get the preferred sample rate (8,000 Hz on iPhone, 44,100 Hz on iPod touch) 
size = sizeof(sampleRate); 
err = AudioSessionGetProperty (kAudioSessionProperty_CurrentHardwareSampleRate, &size, &sampleRate); 
if (err != noErr) NSLog(@"AudioSessionGetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_CurrentHardwareSampleRate) error: %d", err); 
//NSLog (@"Current hardware sample rate: %1.0f", sampleRate); 

BOOL isHighSampleRate = (sampleRate > 16000); 
int bufferByteSize; 
AudioQueueBufferRef buffer; 

// Set up stream format fields 
AudioStreamBasicDescription streamFormat; 
streamFormat.mSampleRate = sampleRate; 
streamFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM; 
streamFormat.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked; 
streamFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 16; 
streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = 1; 
streamFormat.mBytesPerPacket = 2 * streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame; 
streamFormat.mBytesPerFrame = 2 * streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame; 
streamFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1; 
streamFormat.mReserved = 0; 

// New output queue ---- PLAYBACK ---- 
if (isPlaying == NO) { 
    err = AudioQueueNewOutput (&streamFormat, AudioEngineOutputBufferCallback, self, nil, nil, 0, &outputQueue); 
    if (err != noErr) NSLog(@"AudioQueueNewOutput() error: %d", err); 

    // Enqueue buffers 
    //outputFrequency = 0.0; 
    outputBuffersToRewrite = 3; 
    bufferByteSize = (sampleRate > 16000)? 2176 : 512; // 40.5 Hz : 31.25 Hz 
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) { 
     err = AudioQueueAllocateBuffer (outputQueue, bufferByteSize, &buffer); 
     if (err == noErr) { 
      [self generateTone: buffer]; 
      err = AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer (outputQueue, buffer, 0, nil); 
      if (err != noErr) NSLog(@"AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer() error: %d", err); 
     } else { 
      NSLog(@"AudioQueueAllocateBuffer() error: %d", err); 

    // Start playback 
    isPlaying = YES; 
    err = AudioQueueStart(outputQueue, nil); 
    if (err != noErr) { NSLog(@"AudioQueueStart() error: %d", err); isPlaying= NO; return; } 
} else { 
    NSLog (@"Error: audio is already playing back."); 

oto część, która generuje sygnał:

// AudioQueue output queue callback. 
void AudioEngineOutputBufferCallback (void *inUserData, AudioQueueRef inAQ, AudioQueueBufferRef inBuffer) { 
    AudioEngine *engine = (AudioEngine*) inUserData; 
    [engine processOutputBuffer:inBuffer queue:inAQ]; 

- (void) processOutputBuffer: (AudioQueueBufferRef) buffer queue:(AudioQueueRef) queue { 
    OSStatus err; 
    if (isPlaying == YES) { 
     [outputLock lock]; 
     if (outputBuffersToRewrite > 0) { 
      [self generateTone:buffer]; 
     err = AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(queue, buffer, 0, NULL); 
     if (err == 560030580) { // Queue is not active due to Music being started or other reasons 
      isPlaying = NO; 
     } else if (err != noErr) { 
      NSLog(@"AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer() error %d", err); 
     [outputLock unlock]; 
    } else { 
     err = AudioQueueStop (queue, NO); 
     if (err != noErr) NSLog(@"AudioQueueStop() error: %d", err); 

-(void) generateTone: (AudioQueueBufferRef) buffer { 
    if (outputFrequency == 0.0) { 
     memset(buffer->mAudioData, 0, buffer->mAudioDataBytesCapacity); 
     buffer->mAudioDataByteSize = buffer->mAudioDataBytesCapacity; 
    } else { 
     // Make the buffer length a multiple of the wavelength for the output frequency. 
     int sampleCount = buffer->mAudioDataBytesCapacity/sizeof (SInt16); 
     double bufferLength = sampleCount; 
     double wavelength = sampleRate/outputFrequency; 
     double repetitions = floor (bufferLength/wavelength); 
     if (repetitions > 0.0) { 
      sampleCount = round (wavelength * repetitions); 

     double  x, y; 
     double  sd = 1.0/sampleRate; 
     double  amp = 0.9; 
     double  max16bit = SHRT_MAX; 
     int i; 
     SInt16 *p = buffer->mAudioData; 

     for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) { 
      x = i * sd * outputFrequency; 
      switch (outputWaveform) { 
       case kSine: 
        y = sin (x * 2.0 * M_PI); 
       case kTriangle: 
        x = fmod (x, 1.0); 
        if (x < 0.25) 
         y = x * 4.0; // up 0.0 to 1.0 
        else if (x < 0.75) 
         y = (1.0 - x) * 4.0 - 2.0; // down 1.0 to -1.0 
         y = (x - 1.0) * 4.0; // up -1.0 to 0.0 
       case kSawtooth: 
        y = 0.8 - fmod (x, 1.0) * 1.8; 
       case kSquare: 
        y = (fmod(x, 1.0) < 0.5)? 0.7: -0.7; 
       default: y = 0; break; 
      p[i] = y * max16bit * amp; 

     buffer->mAudioDataByteSize = sampleCount * sizeof (SInt16); 

Coś zwrócić uwagę jest to, że zwrotna zostanie wywołana na wątku innym niż główny, więc musisz ćwiczyć bezpieczeństwo wątku za pomocą blokad, muteksów lub innych technik.


Czy możesz udostępnić swój kod? –


Wysoki poziom: użyj AVAudioPlayer https://github.com/hollance/AVBufferPlayer

poziom Med: kolejki dźwiękowych trailsinthesand.com/exploring-iphone-audio-part-1/ dostaje będzie ładnie. UWAGA: usunąłem http, aby mógł istnieć stary link, ale prowadzi on do złej strony, więc najwyraźniej się zmienił.

Niski poziom: alternatywnie, można spaść poziom i zrobić z jednostkami audio: http://cocoawithlove.com/2010/10/ios-tone-generator-introduction-to.html


Kolejki audio w Synth: https://github.com/hollance/AudioBufferPlayer –


Twój przykład bardzo mi pomógł, Jeszcze raz dziękuję – Amitg2k12


trailsinthesand.com jest teraz stroną dla dorosłych – blwinters


To jest wersja C# z tej samej próbki z @lucius

void SetupAudio() 
     AudioSession.Category = AudioSessionCategory.MediaPlayback; 

     sampleRate = AudioSession.CurrentHardwareSampleRate; 
     var format = new AudioStreamBasicDescription() { 
      SampleRate = sampleRate, 
      Format = AudioFormatType.LinearPCM, 
      FormatFlags = AudioFormatFlags.LinearPCMIsSignedInteger | AudioFormatFlags.LinearPCMIsPacked, 
      BitsPerChannel = 16, 
      ChannelsPerFrame = 1, 
      BytesPerFrame = 2, 
      BytesPerPacket = 2, 
      FramesPerPacket = 1, 

     var queue = new OutputAudioQueue (format); 
     var bufferByteSize = (sampleRate > 16000)? 2176 : 512; // 40.5 Hz : 31.25 Hz 
     var buffers = new AudioQueueBuffer* [numBuffers]; 
     for (int i = 0; i < numBuffers; i++){ 
      queue.AllocateBuffer (bufferByteSize, out buffers [i]); 
      GenerateTone (buffers [i]); 
      queue.EnqueueBuffer (buffers [i], null); 
     queue.OutputCompleted += (object sender, OutputCompletedEventArgs e) => { 
      queue.EnqueueBuffer (e.UnsafeBuffer, null); 

     return true; 

To generator tonu:

void GenerateTone (AudioQueueBuffer *buffer) 
     // Make the buffer length a multiple of the wavelength for the output frequency. 
     uint sampleCount = buffer->AudioDataBytesCapacity/2; 
     double bufferLength = sampleCount; 
     double wavelength = sampleRate/outputFrequency; 
     double repetitions = Math.Floor (bufferLength/wavelength); 
     if (repetitions > 0) 
      sampleCount = (uint)Math.Round (wavelength * repetitions); 

     double  x, y; 
     double  sd = 1.0/sampleRate; 
     double  amp = 0.9; 
     double  max16bit = Int16.MaxValue; 
     int i; 
     short *p = (short *) buffer->AudioData; 

     for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) { 
      x = i * sd * outputFrequency; 
      switch (outputWaveForm) { 
       case WaveForm.Sine: 
        y = Math.Sin (x * 2.0 * Math.PI); 
       case WaveForm.Triangle: 
        x = x % 1.0; 
        if (x < 0.25) 
         y = x * 4.0; // up 0.0 to 1.0 
        else if (x < 0.75) 
         y = (1.0 - x) * 4.0 - 2.0; // down 1.0 to -1.0 
         y = (x - 1.0) * 4.0; // up -1.0 to 0.0 
       case WaveForm.Sawtooth: 
        y = 0.8 - (x % 1.0) * 1.8; 
       case WaveForm.Square: 
        y = ((x % 1.0) < 0.5)? 0.7: -0.7; 
       default: y = 0; break; 
      p[i] = (short)(y * max16bit * amp); 
     buffer->AudioDataByteSize = sampleCount * 2; 

Warto również te definicje:

enum WaveForm { 
     Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, Square 
    WaveForm outputWaveForm; 
    const float outputFrequency = 220;