2012-01-28 14 views

Używam tej biblioteki http://www.binpress.com/app/paypal-adaptive-payments-pro-codeigniter-library/140 i używam tego jako mojego słuchacza ipn dla projektu codeigniter - http://pastebin.com/pMb7Zhz3.Paypal Problem z IPN z płatnością równoległą

Zasadniczo robię transakcję równoległą, korzystając z powyższej biblioteki paypal, dzięki czemu, gdy użytkownik dokonuje płatności/darowizny, wysyła pieniądze na 2 różne konta. Gdy transakcja zostanie zakończona, system PayPal wysyła dane do mojego odbiornika IPN i analizuje informacje dla 1 klienta, jeśli zostawię to w swoim kodzie 'IPNNotificationURL' => '' i przejdę do systemu PayPal i ustawię adres URL IPN.

Próbuję uzyskać informacje o IPN dla obu kont, bez konieczności ustawienia obu kont w adresie URL ipn w ich ustawieniach PayPal. Kiedy ustawiam 'IPNNotificationURL' => 'http://example.com/paypal_ipn', nadal otrzymuję informacje o ipn dla 1 konta, ale otrzymuję to ostrzeżenie Array to string conversion on line 11 mojego słuchacza. Jak mogę to naprawić, a jeśli to zrobię, czy otrzymam informacje o IPN z obu kont?

Oto metoda płatnej z biblioteki wyżej, że używam do równoległych płatności

function Pay() 
     // Prepare request arrays 
     $PayRequestFields = array(
           'ActionType' => 'PAY',        // Required. Whether the request pays the receiver or whether the request is set up to create a payment request, but not fulfill the payment until the ExecutePayment is called. Values are: PAY, CREATE, PAY_PRIMARY 
           'CancelURL' => '',  // Required. The URL to which the sender's browser is redirected if the sender cancels the approval for the payment after logging in to paypal.com. 1024 char max. 
           'CurrencyCode' => 'USD',       // Required. 3 character currency code. 
           'FeesPayer' => 'SENDER',       // The payer of the fees. Values are: SENDER, PRIMARYRECEIVER, EACHRECEIVER, SECONDARYONLY 
           'IPNNotificationURL' => '',       // The URL to which you want all IPN messages for this payment to be sent. 1024 char max. 
           'Memo' => '',      // A note associated with the payment (text, not HTML). 1000 char max 
           'Pin' => '',          // The sener's personal id number, which was specified when the sender signed up for the preapproval 
           'PreapprovalKey' => '',        // The key associated with a preapproval for this payment. The preapproval is required if this is a preapproved payment. 
           'ReturnURL' => '',  // Required. The URL to which the sener's browser is redirected after approvaing a payment on paypal.com. 1024 char max. 
           'ReverseAllParallelPaymentsOnError' => '',  // Whether to reverse paralel payments if an error occurs with a payment. Values are: TRUE, FALSE 
           'SenderEmail' => '',    // Sender's email address. 127 char max. 
           'TrackingID' => ''         // Unique ID that you specify to track the payment. 127 char max. 

     $ClientDetailsFields = array(
           'CustomerID' => '',         // Your ID for the sender 127 char max. 
           'CustomerType' => '',        // Your ID of the type of customer. 127 char max. 
           'GeoLocation' => '',        // Sender's geographic location 
           'Model' => '',          // A sub-identification of the application. 127 char max. 
           'PartnerName' => ''         // Your organization's name or ID 

     $FundingTypes = array('ECHECK', 'BALANCE', 'CREDITCARD'); 

     $Receivers = array(); 
     $Receiver = array(
         'Amount' => '',            // Required. Amount to be paid to the receiver. 
         'Email' => '',        // Receiver's email address. 127 char max. 
         'InvoiceID' => '',           // The invoice number for the payment. 127 char max. 
         'PaymentType' => '',         // Transaction type. Values are: GOODS, SERVICE, PERSONAL, CASHADVANCE, DIGITALGOODS 
         'PaymentSubType' => '',          // The transaction subtype for the payment. 
         'Phone' => array('CountryCode' => '', 'PhoneNumber' => '', 'Extension' => ''), // Receiver's phone number. Numbers only. 
         'Primary' => ''            // Whether this receiver is the primary receiver. Values are: TRUE, FALSE 

     $SenderIdentifierFields = array(
             'UseCredentials' => ''      // If TRUE, use credentials to identify the sender. Default is false. 

     $AccountIdentifierFields = array(
             'Email' => '',  // Sender's email address. 127 char max. 
             'Phone' => array('CountryCode' => '', 'PhoneNumber' => '', 'Extension' => '')        // Sender's phone number. Numbers only. 

     $PayPalRequestData = array(
          'PayRequestFields' => $PayRequestFields, 
          'ClientDetailsFields' => $ClientDetailsFields, 
          'FundingTypes' => $FundingTypes, 
          'Receivers' => $Receivers, 
          'SenderIdentifierFields' => $SenderIdentifierFields, 
          'AccountIdentifierFields' => $AccountIdentifierFields 

     $PayPalResult = $this->paypal_adaptive->Pay($PayPalRequestData); 

      $errors = array('Errors'=>$PayPalResult['Errors']); 
      $data['result'] = $PayPalResult; 
      $this->load->view('success', $data);  

i linia 11 to jest z pastebin powyżej - $value = urlencode(stripslashes($value));


Czy możesz podać tę linię i inne odpowiednie części kodu? – Josh


Mam nadzieję, że to pomoże: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8456218/paypal-parallel-payment-ipn – Josh


Sprawdziłem również ten post kilka razy. Wciąż miałem kłopoty. – Catfish



I zorientowali się, jak analizować płatności adaptacyjne IPN w PHP.

użyłem funkcji DecodePayPalIPN() przez donut2d https://www.x.com/developers/paypal/forums/adaptive-payments-api/php-technique-parsing-adaptive-payment-ipn-posts?page=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C1 w połączeniu z jednym z przykładowych słuchaczy, że jest na stronie paypal i tu jest mój pełny CodeIgniter IPN Listener dla płatności adaptacyjnych z transakcją równoległego.

<?php if (! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); 

class Paypal_ipn extends CI_Controller { 

    public function index() { 

     // read the post from PayPal system and add 'cmd' 
     $req = 'cmd=_notify-validate&'.file_get_contents("php://input"); 
     $header = null; 

     // post back to PayPal system to validate 
     $header .= "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.0\r\n"; 
     $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; 
     $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n\r\n"; 
     $fp = fsockopen ('ssl://www.sandbox.paypal.com', 443, $errno, $errstr, 30); 

     $raw_post = file_get_contents("php://input"); 
     $post_array = $this->decodePayPalIPN($raw_post); 

     //log_message('error', "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); 
     //$log1 = var_export($post_array, true); 

     //log_message('error', $log1); 
     //log_message('error', "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); 

     if(isset($post_array['sender_email'])) { 
      $sender_email = $post_array['sender_email']; 
     if(isset($post_array['status'])) { 
      $status = $post_array['status']; 
     if(isset($post_array['payment_request_date'])) { 
      $payment_request_date = $post_array['payment_request_date']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][0]['receiver'])) { 
      $receiver0 = $post_array['transaction'][0]['receiver']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][1]['receiver'])) { 
      $receiver1 = $post_array['transaction'][1]['receiver']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][0]['id'])) { 
      $id0 = $post_array['transaction'][0]['id']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][1]['id'])) { 
      $id1 = $post_array['transaction'][1]['id']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][0]['invoiceId'])) { 
      $invoiceId0 = $post_array['transaction'][0]['invoiceId']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][1]['invoiceId'])) { 
      $invoiceId1 = $post_array['transaction'][1]['invoiceId']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][0]['amount'])) { 
      $amount0 = $post_array['transaction'][0]['amount']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][1]['amount'])) { 
      $amount1 = $post_array['transaction'][1]['amount']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][0]['status'])) { 
      $status0 = $post_array['transaction'][0]['status']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][1]['status'])) { 
      $status1 = $post_array['transaction'][1]['status']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][0]['id_for_sender_txn'])) { 
      $id_for_sender_txn0 = $post_array['transaction'][0]['id_for_sender_txn']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][1]['id_for_sender_txn'])) { 
      $id_for_sender_txn1 = $post_array['transaction'][1]['id_for_sender_txn']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][0]['status_for_sender_txn'])) { 
      $status_for_sender_txn0 = $post_array['transaction'][0]['status_for_sender_txn']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][1]['status_for_sender_txn'])) { 
      $status_for_sender_txn1 = $post_array['transaction'][1]['status_for_sender_txn']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][1]['pending_reason'])) { 
      $pending_reason0 = $post_array['transaction'][1]['pending_reason']; 
     if(isset($post_array['transaction'][1]['pending_reason'])) { 
      $pending_reason1 = $post_array['transaction'][1]['pending_reason']; 

     if (!$fp) { 
      // HTTP ERROR 
     } else { 
      $counter = 0; 
      fputs ($fp, $header . $req); 
      while (!feof($fp)) { 
       $res = fgets ($fp, 1024); 

       if (strcmp ($res, "VERIFIED") == 0) { 

        log_message('error', "sender_email = $sender_email"); 
        log_message('error', "payment_request_date = $payment_request_date"); 
        log_message('error', "status = $status"); 
        log_message('error', "receiver0 = $receiver0"); 
        log_message('error', "receiver1 = $receiver1"); 
        log_message('error', "id0 = $id0"); 
        log_message('error', "id1 = $id1"); 
        log_message('error', "invoiceId0 = $invoiceId0"); 
        log_message('error', "invoiceId1 = $invoiceId1"); 
        log_message('error', "amount0 = $amount0"); 
        log_message('error', "amount1 = $amount1"); 
        log_message('error', "status0 = $status0"); 
        log_message('error', "status1 = $status1"); 
        log_message('error', "id_for_sender_txn0 = $id_for_sender_txn0"); 
        log_message('error', "id_for_sender_txn1 = $id_for_sender_txn1"); 
        log_message('error', "status_for_sender_txn0 = $status_for_sender_txn0"); 
        log_message('error', "status_for_sender_txn1 = $status_for_sender_txn1"); 
        log_message('error', "pending_reason0 = $pending_reason0"); 
        log_message('error', "pending_reason1 = $pending_reason1"); 

        // check the payment_status is Completed 
        // check that txn_id has not been previously processed 
        // check that receiver_email is your Primary PayPal email 
        // check that payment_amount/payment_currency are correct 
        // process payment 
       else if (strcmp ($res, "INVALID") == 0) { 
        log_message('error', 'WE INVALIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD'); 
        $test = var_export($res, true); 
        $test = str_replace(array("\r","\n"), '', $test); 

        log_message('error', $test); 
        log_message('error', "Problem with IPN. res = $test"); 

      fclose ($fp); 


    function decodePayPalIPN($raw_post) 
     //log_message('error', "testing"); 
     if (empty($raw_post)) { 
      return array(); 
     } # else: 
     $post = array(); 
     $pairs = explode('&', $raw_post); 
     foreach ($pairs as $pair) { 
      list($key, $value) = explode('=', $pair, 2); 
      $key = urldecode($key); 
      $value = urldecode($value); 
      # This is look for a key as simple as 'return_url' or as complex as 'somekey[x].property' 
      preg_match('/(\w+)(?:\[(\d+)\])?(?:\.(\w+))?/', $key, $key_parts); 
      switch (count($key_parts)) { 
       case 4: 
        # Original key format: somekey[x].property 
        # Converting to $post[somekey][x][property] 
        if (!isset($post[$key_parts[1]])) { 
         $post[$key_parts[1]] = array($key_parts[2] => array($key_parts[3] => $value)); 
        } else if (!isset($post[$key_parts[1]][$key_parts[2]])) { 
         $post[$key_parts[1]][$key_parts[2]] = array($key_parts[3] => $value); 
        } else { 
         $post[$key_parts[1]][$key_parts[2]][$key_parts[3]] = $value; 
       case 3: 
        # Original key format: somekey[x] 
        # Converting to $post[somkey][x] 
        if (!isset($post[$key_parts[1]])) { 
         $post[$key_parts[1]] = array(); 
        $post[$key_parts[1]][$key_parts[2]] = $value; 
        # No special format 
        $post[$key] = $value; 

     return $post; 