Note (tj nieQt::CheckStateRole
.): Odpowiedź Dave działa również dla Pythona z wykorzystaniem PySide lub PyQt4. Przetłumaczyłem to i działa świetnie. Dodatkowo dodałem funkcję, której pole wyboru nie akceptuje danych wprowadzonych przez użytkownika i jest wyświetlane w stanie ReadOnly, jeśli komórka nie jest edytowalna. Dzięki Dave za Twój kod!
class CheckBoxDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):
def createEditor(self, parent, option, index):
Important, otherwise an editor is created if the user clicks in this cell.
return None
def paint(self, painter, option, index):
Paint a checkbox without the label.
checked = bool(index.model().data(index, Qt.DisplayRole))
check_box_style_option = QStyleOptionButton()
if (index.flags() & Qt.ItemIsEditable) > 0:
check_box_style_option.state |= QStyle.State_Enabled
check_box_style_option.state |= QStyle.State_ReadOnly
if checked:
check_box_style_option.state |= QStyle.State_On
check_box_style_option.state |= QStyle.State_Off
check_box_style_option.rect = self.getCheckBoxRect(option)
if not index.model().hasFlag(index, Qt.ItemIsEditable):
check_box_style_option.state |= QStyle.State_ReadOnly, check_box_style_option, painter)
def editorEvent(self, event, model, option, index):
Change the data in the model and the state of the checkbox
if the user presses the left mousebutton or presses
Key_Space or Key_Select and this cell is editable. Otherwise do nothing.
if not (index.flags() & Qt.ItemIsEditable) > 0:
return False
# Do not change the checkbox-state
if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease or event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick:
if event.button() != Qt.LeftButton or not self.getCheckBoxRect(option).contains(event.pos()):
return False
if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick:
return True
elif event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress:
if event.key() != Qt.Key_Space and event.key() != Qt.Key_Select:
return False
return False
# Change the checkbox-state
self.setModelData(None, model, index)
return True
def setModelData (self, editor, model, index):
The user wanted to change the old state in the opposite.
newValue = not bool(index.model().data(index, Qt.DisplayRole))
model.setData(index, newValue, Qt.EditRole)
def getCheckBoxRect(self, option):
check_box_style_option = QStyleOptionButton()
check_box_rect =, check_box_style_option, None)
check_box_point = QPoint (option.rect.x() +
option.rect.width()/2 -
option.rect.y() +
option.rect.height()/2 -
return QRect(check_box_point, check_box_rect.size())
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