StringBuilder jest najbardziej skuteczny sposób na pracę ze sznurkami. można utworzyć niestandardową metodę, która współpracuje z nim:
static string[] ClearValues(string[] dirtyLines, string[] ignoreValuesList)
string[] result = new string[dirtyLines.Length];
bool ignore = false; StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder s2 = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < dirtyLines.Length; i++)
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < dirtyLines[i].Length; i2++)
if (dirtyLines[i][i2] == '{') { s2.Clear(); s.Append(dirtyLines[i][i2]); ignore = true; continue; }
if (dirtyLines[i][i2] == '}') { if(ignoreValuesList.Contains(s2.ToString())) s.Append(s2.ToString()); s.Append(dirtyLines[i][i2]); ignore = false; continue; }
if (!ignore) { s.Append(dirtyLines[i][i2]); } else { s2.Append(dirtyLines[i][i2]); }
result[i] = s.ToString();
return result;
Przykład użycia:
static void Main()
string[] dirtyLines =
"This is a test value with {MyTestValue = 0.34} How do I delete the test value?",
"This is {SomeOther = 11} How do I delete the test value?",
"{X = 134} How do {Y = 500} I delete the {Z = 400}test value?",
Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();
string[] clean = ClearValues(dirtyLines, new[] { "Y = 500", "Z = 400" });
for (int i = 0; i < clean.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("\nIt took {0} ms and {1} CPU ticks for method to execute", s.ElapsedMilliseconds, s.ElapsedTicks);
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