2011-01-11 28 views

Piszę wtyczkę dla programu Outlook 2007 i chciałbym przeczytać właściwość MailItem.ładnie czytając outlook mailitem properties

W szczególności chciałbym poznać wszystkie typy zawartości załączników. Teraz sposób zrobić to teraz jest coś takiego:

Outlook.MailItem item = OutlookItem as Outlook.MailItem; 
Outlook.Attachments itt = item.Attachments; 

foreach (Outlook.Attachment t in item.Attachments) 
textBox1.Text += t.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x370E001F"); 

Ale Chętniej zadzwoń coś podobnego.


Nie mogę później możliwość pracy ty, jednak nieruchomość jest wspomnieć, że sposób w dokumentacji MSDN. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms879575.aspx). Czy ktokolwiek wie, jak ładnie odzyskać właściwość bez użycia ciągu, ale zamiast stałej?



Zalecany sposób to zrobić znajduje się here:

// C# 
// Outlook 2007 
// PropertyAccessor usage sample for MailItem.Attachments[n] 
// For all those MAPI tags related to an Outlook Mailitem, they're all on the link: 
// go there, then synch the index to see the full list at your disposal 
// if you have the Outlook developer's reference loaded. 
// of note for attachments: 
//PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_BASE  0x3711001E (0x3711001F for Unicode) 
//PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID   0x3712001E (0x3712001F for Unicode) 
//PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_LOCATION 0x3713001E (0x3713001F for Unicode) 
//PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN   0x37010102 The PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN property holds the attachment when the value of the PR_ATTACH_METHOD property is ATTACH_BY_VALUE, which is the usual attachment method and the only one required to be supported. 
//PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ   0x3701000D The PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ property holds the attachment when the value of the PR_ATTACH_METHOD property is ATTACH_EMBEDDED_MSG 
//PR_ATTACH_ENCODING   0x37020102 identifies the algorithm used to transform the data in an attachment. (see PR_ATTACH_TAG 
//PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION   0x3703001E (0x3703001F for Unicode) The receiving client should first check for PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION, and if it is not provided, should parse the filename extension from the attachment's PR_ATTACH_FILENAME or PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME property. 
//PR_ATTACH_FILENAME   0x3704001E (0x3704001F for Unicode) 8.3 naming 
//PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME  0x3707001E (0x3707001F for Unicode) Platforms that support long filenames should set both the PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME and PR_ATTACH_FILENAME properties when sending, and should check PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME first when receiving. 
//PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME  0x370D001E (0x370D001F for Unicode) 
//PR_ATTACH_METHOD    0x37050003 PT_LONG 
//  NO_ATTACHMENT   - When created, all attachment objects have an initial PR_ATTACH_METHOD value of NO_ATTACHMENT 
//  ATTACH_BY_VALUE   - PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN contains attachment data 
//  ATTACH_BY_REFERENCE  - common path accessible by sender & recipient (common file server) via PR_ATTACH_PATHNAME or PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME 
//  ATTACH_BY_REF_RESOLVE - full path) 
//  ATTACH_EMBEDDED_MSG  - PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ contains the object that supports IMessage interface 
//PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG   0x370E001E (0x370E001F for Unicode) 
//PR_ATTACH_NUM     0x0E210003 PT_LONG 
//PR_ATTACH_PATHNAME   0x3708001E (0x3708001F for Unicode) 8.3 and limit of 256 characters total 
//PR_ATTACH_RENDERING   0x37090102 PT_BINARY For an attached file, PR_ATTACH_RENDERING usually portrays an icon for the file. 
//        - but see ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/MS.MSDNQTR.v90.en/mapi/html/be29f536-a402-4e5e-b06d-9a7af587d719.htm 
//PR_ATTACH_SIZE    0x0E200003 PT_LONG 
//PR_ATTACH_TAG     0x370A0102 identifies the application that originally generated the attachment 
//PR_ATTACH_TRANSPORT_NAME  0x370C001E (0x370C001F for Unicode) used by TNEF and proansport provider - It is usually not available to client applications. 

// assume you have an Outlook.MailItem: 
// also assume that you're working on attachment # 'x' 
// btw for newbies, attachment 
// set up the schema paths 
string SchemaPR_ATTACH_METHOD = @"http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x37050003"; 
string SchemaPR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID = @"http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x3712001E"; 

Outlook.PropertyAccessor oPA = mailItem.Attachments[x].PropertyAccessor; 
string AttachMethod = (string)oPA.GetProperty(SchemaPR_ATTACH_METHOD); 
string AttachCID = (string)oPA.GetProperty(SchemaPR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID);